Ok -- I think I can finish the pillowcase in this post -- YAY!!
You will lay the body of the pillowcase face down (right side) on the top of the banding with the raw edges together. The length of the body will be hanging way down and you will want to grasp it and accordian fold it so that it lays in the middle of the casing.

Should sorta look like this -- You will see the casing, at least half of it anyways since the body of the pillowcase is laying on it. Now you will pull up and over the edge of the casing to the top of the raw edges... this will create the hot dog look -- the body being the hotdog, the banding your condiment, and the casing is the bun... cute huh? sorry for the boobage shot -- was trying to get a different view and boy did i LOL!!!

Now you will pin all these edges together down the entire length, I tend to start in the middle and work my way to each end so that there's no hiccups.... you know what I mean. You should get this look -- your hotdog!!

Now you'll take your hotdogger to the sewing machine and sew about 1/2 inch in from the raw edge....

Now here come the fun part!!! I used flannel for making most of my pillowcases during the retreat becuz of the fun prints that I found and they are super soft. But you can use nearly any type of material for these. My only caution is that when using thicker material this next step is a bit difficult. You have to turn the casing inside out and pull the body out. Using regular cotton material was super easy, but flannel can be a bit fussy. Once it's entirely pulled out -- IRON!! it flat...

You will notice that all your casing and banding edges are inside and out of sight.. YAY!! no more stringies!! At this point if you want to -- it's optional... you can use your embroidery stitches on the machine to add a decorative border stitch to the banding (the solid color) and if you're really creative.. machine embroider someone's name to casing. Yea, I'm not!! LOL

Getting to my favorite part -- the finished part!! YAY!! If you know how to do french seams, then good on ya-- that's what we are fixin to do to finish this pillowcase up -- 2 seams and you're done done done! I told you this was easy. Now with WRONG side together, pin down the edge and bottom. If you need to trim it to get it even -- do this before sewing! I like to trim about a half inch down the edge and bottom to get all edge nice and even before stitching. Once it's pinned, you will stitch a 1/4 inch seam down the side and bottom. Clip corners.

Sorry for the blurry picture, but it's a clipped corner. Now you will turn the pillowcase inside out. You will be looking at the wrong side. PRESS!!! This is soooo important. Be sure to push the edges close to the seam so that when you sew this edge again you will catch all the raw edges inside. I found that ironing this helped to keep it neat. Now back to the machine and sew anywhere from a 1/2 to 5/8 inch seam making sure that you catch all the raw edge inside so that it does not show when it's turned right side out.

Clip all your threads and press again -- making it pretty!! and TAA-DAA!! You have just made the perfect pillowcase with no raw edges and it's super easy. You'll be making up a storm I bet.

If you liked this tutorial, please feel free to leave me a comment. I love reading them. If there are any other tutorials that you would want me to have -- let me know and I will do my best to post them. Knowledge is power!!
Keep Stitching,